Rodent Control

Pest Terminator provides the best rodent pest control service through a quick, safe, effective, and stress-free solution. We rely on advanced rodent-proofing, trapping, and baiting treatments to manage rodents at your home.

At Pest Terminator, we rely on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in rodent control, as we do for dealing with all pests. We systematically inspect and study rodents at your premises to control them effectively. Our trained technicians use the latest and most effective methods for rodent control.

Pest Terminator Rodent Control:

We use a two-step rodent control process described below:

Our Baiting-Based Rodent Control Solution

Baiting is an effective way to control mice, rats, and bandicoots. Baits contain food attractive to rodents, mixed with a toxic rodenticide. We use a special food-based anticoagulant rodenticide that appeals to rodents and effectively kills them. Rodents do not die immediately after feeding on bait but a few days later. Other rodents do not suspect the use of toxic bait and do not become bait-shy, leading other colony members to eat the bait. We check and replace the rodent bait periodically to ensure that enough is available for the consumption of all rodents occurring at your premises.

Our Trapping-Based Rodent Control Solution

Snap traps and glue boards are useful indoors, like at pharmaceutical and food processing units that do not allow pest control companies to use toxic baits inside their premises. We do not use baits indoors for rodents to prevent them from dying in inaccessible places where they are difficult to find and remove. Trapping is effective when a customer’s site has a limited rodent infestation.
An annual maintenance contract (AMC) of rodent treatment for homes has a service once every quarter and once fortnightly for commercial premises and housing societies.

What Can You Do to Prevent Rodents at Your Home?

Rodents are among the most widespread and disruptive pests. They may survive only for four to six months in their natural habitats outdoors but can live for one year indoors. Female rodents produce four to six litters in a lifetime.

We recommend that you do the following to keep rodents out of your home:

  • Check and seal gaps around doors, windows, ventilators, and floor drains.
  • Plug cracks in foundations and holes around electrical conduits and pipes to prevent rodent entry and harboring.
  • Keep food in sealed containers to deny its access to rodents
Why Are Rodents a Threat?

Rodents eat almost everything, including seeds, grains, meat, feces, or anything readily available. Therefore, you can find rodents on all premises, from homes to factories, hospitals, offices, or any place where they can find food and shelter. Rodents damage materials and furniture, contaminate food, and spread diseases. They may cut electric wiring, which can lead to an electrical short circuit. In addition, they carry vectors of pet diseases such as mites, ticks, and fleas.

How Can You Find Rodent Infestation?

If you spot droppings or evidence of gnawing, grease marks, tracks of footmarks, hear scurrying sounds or squeaking in walls, smell a musky scent, find burrows, or see dead rodents, you can be sure of rodent infestation in the vicinity.

How to Solve a Rodent Problem?

If you locate a rodent within your home, it is best to contact a pest management professional to identify and remove it. The presence of one rodent within a home could signal a widespread infestation. Pest Terminator, your trusted pest terminators, provide the best pest control to tackle rodents as part of our comprehensive rodent control service.

Ready for Pest Terminator Rodent Control?

Let’s dive into more facts and trivia about rodents! Contact Pest Terminator today for a quick, safe, and effective rodent control solution.

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